(203) 855-5387 | email: services@teeltech.com
Multimedia Forensic Services
Video, Image & Audio Forensics
With the increasing use of CCTV surveillance systems, dash and body cams, and smart devices that are capturing every facet of our daily lives, the demand for multimedia forensic services is growing exponentially.
Teel Tech is expanding its expertise to service Law Enforcement; Military, Government, and the Private Sector’s needs in seizing and analyzing surveillance video, still image, and audio recordings from a variety of sources.
Our team will provide you with a detailed PDF report which can include: a frame by frame video analysis, source and comparison images, converted video files, and much more. Our investigators are all former Police Officers with an extensive background in Digital Forensics, allowing us to testify in court as an expert witness in your case.
Our services include:
Video Enhancement
Capture Still Images from Video
Discover Altered or Doctored Video
Automobile Accident & Dash Cam Enhancement
Home Security & Doorbell Camera Enhancement
Body Camera Analysis
Cell phone Video Enhancement
Redactions & Enlargements
Video Format Conversion(proprietry or native formats to any
desired format)
Image Forensic Services
Forensic Image Analysis is used in cases needing detailed image comparison, enhancement, and redactions. Our investigators use the latest industry tools in order to discover when media has been tampered with and provide you with the evidence you need.
We provide photogrammetry services that are used to help investigators discover critical details about physical objects and their relation to the surrounding environment.
Our expert investigators can address issues with an image or video stills.
Issues such as:
Motion Blur
Misfocus Blur
Under Exposure
Poor Resolution
Audio Forensic Services
Audio Forensics has many applications in today’s world. It is usually employed when the integrity or authenticity of an audio recording is in question. The acquisition, analysis, and assessment of these recordings are often used as evidence in court cases and in other official inquiries.
Our Team of Experts Can Help With:
Clarifying conversations by removing background noise (music, traffic, white noise, etc.)
Performing redactions for items such as private or personal information
Determining if any of the source material may have been deleted, added, or altered.